This Too Shall Trespass

We’re never going to learn.

We’ve been locked into these regrettable coordinates ever since the internet got way too big for its britches and decided to ditch the belt for a pair of suspenders. After which the information that prevailed became less super and more highway. Social media became less social. Bad ideas became normalized conceits.

We have become exceedingly greedy in our on-demandedness, to the point where the black and white nature of information has been relegated to the dead file; replaced with an angular permutation that has little give but mucho take. But that’s what happens when people parse information in order to win arguments rather than progress.

I watched two worlds collide this week following the blowback from Harrison Butker’s commencement speech challenge to party like it’s 1899. And predictably, it was gloriously stupid.

Most people weren’t familiar with Butker until he showed up at Benedictine College and began railing on about abortion rights, Pride Month, Covid-19 lockdowns, diversity and inclusion. That’s because up until that moment, he was a placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs and as such, could have been easily mistaken for Patrick Mahomes’ equipment manager.

Want a top five list of Butker’s keynote highlights? Sure why not . . .

  • The Holy Ghost doesn’t wear a Pride shirt
  • Bishops have become less effective than Dallas Cowboys ownership
  • Who needs vaccines when you’ve got sacraments?
  • Women are being fed diabolical lies. And not just by Cosmo.
  • Oh yeah, and a woman’s place is in the home. Got it ladies?

Obviously, I took some artistic license with his speech because there’s only so much Jesus talk I can take before I hit the yada button. Unlike social media, I’m not into vilifying someone when making fun of them is so much more enjoyable. And for the record, that last thought was all Butker because I’m not suicidal.

Of course the internets got all up in their feelings about this speech, which usually means that somebody is gonna get clipped, like in a mob flick. Only the internets won’t murder them the way they do in a mob flick because that wouldn’t be ugly enough.

Never mind that the nuns of Benedictine (Sounds like a BritBox series, doesn’t it?) denounced Butker’s speech as being too divisive. Nope, that wasn’t going to stem the tide of Butker bashers. There were calls to fine him, and to fine him really hard. Some insisted that he be suspended, but they didn’t specify from which church steeple or for how long. But the cake was taken by those disembodied voices who said he should be fired.

That’s where high met noon. Because that’s when the fabricated rage of social media’s spineless echo chamber met the blind arrogance of religious rhetoric. How else to explain how one man’s narrow minded view of the world could be turned into a crime against half of humanity?

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no side to side with on this. I think Butker is little more than a pious pimp, but the online world is doing him all the favors by making him so much more relevant than he deserves to be.

Butker was doing little more than selling on a campus that happens to buy it. The fact that he believes rights are conditional, gay people are degenerates and women should work hard for their degrees so they can hang them in their nurseries is unfortunate. But it ain’t nothing that hasn’t been said a million times before. He gained no new ground, brokered no peaceable alternatives because . . religion!

Likewise, shame on the social media mouths who demanded the Chiefs fire their kicker for saying something they disagreed with. Their secular smiting is selectively stupid because it wishes to punish words while leaving deeds unchecked. How else to account for all those NFL players who dabble in shit like domestic abuse whilst still drawing NFL paychecks? Should hurt feelings count for more than hurt people? Should I reserve all my pissed and vinegar chips for a guy hopped up on Jesus juice instead?

It’s why we’ll never learn.

49 thoughts on “This Too Shall Trespass

  1. B,

    Harrison Butker is a dick. That said, he doesn’t deserve to be put front and centre all over the damn media. Nor does he deserve to be fired for having stupid beliefs.

    His teammates Kelce and Mahomes have both stood by him, and get this… while they say they don’t agree with most of his beliefs, they are not judging him and say it doesn’t mean he is not a good person.

    And that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? You can choose to accept a person for who they are and not agree with them. Novel idea in this day and age, I know. Crazy even.

    I saw the speech and it started off rather nicely. I was nodding my head and then… Like most people with an intellect and understanding of life in today’s world, my jaw dropped and I kept looking at him, thinking, he must be 80 years old to be so stuck in the past but no. He is a young enough man. Be that as it may, who gives a shit? You’re an ass who can kick the ball. Do your job and shut up about the rest. And if you can’t shut up, by all means, social media, ignore him and find something more intelligent to share. Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking for a moment there.

    And, pray tell, why the fuck can’t the social media and internets rail on and demand the firing (and condemning) of those who beat their wives/girlfriends/kids? Why is it okay for them to be abusive and still play but someone who just spews pious nonsense must be locked away with the key thrown away for good measure?

    This world is ass-backwards, I tell ya.


    Liked by 3 people

    • Q

      He’s predictable, he’s unoriginal, he’s stuck in an age that has been out of date for a long, long time.

      The same media that gives Trump all the pub he could ever want. Why???

      I do not agree with Butker, but he has the right to say what he says and believe what he believes. I get so pissed when people feel the need to censor.

      Well those guys understand what it’s all about. And they are a part of a team that is going for history, and this guy is going to be an important part of it. They’re right, let it be.

      What happened to that idea? Was it ever relevant in the first place?

      He’s providing the same stuff, there’s nothing new in this. He wants the family units back? Nice idea, but life changes man. Those who want family, embrace your own and look for like minded individuals. He completely loses me when he denies gay people the right to be who they are. Rights are rights. You are either an advocate for them or you are conditional.

      Exactly. Dalvin Cook’s girlfriend was beaten horribly, images strewn all over the New York Post. And yet . . . the Jets might still re-sign him. Unbelievable.

      And getting dumber.


      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes! That is exactly it.

        Right. Media, looking for crap to share.

        Yes, that is exactly it. Censorship. He has the right to be an unsophisticated nitwit.

        Yes. They are not letting the hooplah take away from the athlete they respect for his skills. Outside of the football field, they don’t care what he believes in. Is he a team player? Does he do his best for the team? That’s what matters.

        Good question. Went the way of privacy and not sharing about every zit you popped.

        Right. And no. I can’t get past the homophobia, the misogynistic attitude towards women.

        Right. What the hell is wrong with this whole scenario that he is even considered?


        Liked by 1 person

        • Sadly.

          CNN and MSNBC rail on about Trump, and they also feature him for much of their programming. I get it, he trends. I also get that if you give him pub, he thrives on it.

          Thoughts, opinions, ideas . . we start messing with that and it’s going to be bad news for everyone.

          It’s funny, because Aaron Rodgers rubs a lot of people the wrong way with his off the wall thoughts. But he breaks no laws and his teammates love him. So there’s nothing to see here.

          Everybody wants to know everything about everyone. I saw Justin Bieber being followed by paparazzi as they ask him questions about his wife. Do people not realize how fucked up that is? At a presser, sure, ask him questions. When he’s walking down the street to get a cup of Joe, nope.

          The idea that gay people are the worst, I never understood. What year is this? And yeah, there’s a time and place for this idea that a woman’s place is in the home. And I imagine there were young women in that audience thinking “I worked my ass off for this degree, I’ll figure out my own road, thank you very much,”

          I dunno.


          Liked by 1 person

          • Big time.

            Yes, their bottom dollar is thankful for his existence so of course, they will scrounge (not too hard coz it’s just THERE) for more.

            Yes. It will be very bad news.

            Now that you mention it, Rodgers hasn’t been making the news (well, I haven’t seen any) and, again, just because he has wonky ideas, doesn’t mean his teammates don’t appreciate his football skills.

            I know. Paparrazzi have zero respect for anyone. And honestly, it’s none of anyone’s business when it comes to celeb’s privates lives. But oh do we wanna know…

            No, I never understood that, either. What do you care if two men or two women love each other? How in any way, shape or form does that affect you? It doesn’t. As for the whole “woman’s place” bullshit… No. I can’t.

            It makes zero sense. Well, no, apparently the bottom dollar is the ultimo thing.

            Liked by 1 person

          • As Monika said, we CAN turn off the TV. But hey, that’s like saying people don’t HAVE to go to McDonald’s . . .

            Rodgers is a little nutty, but the media loves to cover him and then complain about him so there’s that. I really don’t care what his opinions are.

            The paparazzi are vultures. No, check that. Vultures are gentle creatures who do no harm to any living soul. They simply scavenge on carcasses for their sustenance and as such serve an important role. Paparazzi? Not so much.

            It’s repression for a lot of these holy rollers. I’m not saying Harrison is in that category, but there are a lot who are.

            When they say it’s not about the money, you know it’s about the money.

            Liked by 1 person

          • That we can definitely do and to be honest, I never ever watch the news. And right. We don’t HAVE to go to McD’s.

            The media loves anything that they can play both sides with! And I don’t care what most celebs, sports or otherwise have to say. Well, except the ones I respect.

            You are so right! Paparazzi are worse than vultures because they feed on the living and not only that, they pick at the live bodies until they bleed.

            So true. Those who are the most outspoken are often guilty of feeling what they shouldn’t…


            Liked by 1 person

          • I don’t ever watch the news anymore either. What’s the use? It’s not news!

            No Mickey D’s . . . still.

            The media, any media, is in the business of getting clicks. Journalism ain’t worth talking about in most corners.

            Sadly. Truly.



            Liked by 1 person

          • It’s not like you actually get real news, unless you dig.

            You so strong! Your resistance is admirable – especially since you drive through there twice a week!

            Business of getting clicks – by any means.

            Very sadly.

            You know it!


            Liked by 1 person

          • Jesus do you have to dig. It’s like diving into the Mariana Trench!

            It always comes down to “Can I do something better? Yeah, okay then case closed”. And honestly, the Big Mac thing, it really turned me off to everything else. And not drinking soda also.

            ANY means.


            I dew.


            Liked by 1 person

          • Crikey. You’ve got that right.

            It does. And by better, they don’t mean healthier. It’s just more and more. No soda is a very wise choice.

            So true.


            Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t like or agree with what he said, but then again I am not a believer. There’s just too many pedophiles in the cathaholic church.

    So, I guess we are not entitled to unpopular opinions any more…. unless you are trump or a believer in his church. The koolaid will be passed around shortly!

    Just because we shut people up, or punish them doesn’t stop them from thinking and acting on what they believe. Better to know. Ignorance could be a bliss-ter.

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Is of no value anymore.

    – Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906, but credited to Voltaire mistakenly ….or so I read online, so who the ef knows.

    Ohhhh…. I like the jut of your cib!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well said Pilgrim. I do not even hope to understand where this guy is coming from. I do know that in today’s world he is out of synch with the realities of modern life. Even so, all the calls for punishment seem to be out of synch as well. We are a society of extremes who basically don’t give a fuck about each other. We call each other nasty names and castigate those who don’t believe the same things we do. There is no longer an avenue for discussion of differences. The differences stand for themselves with seemingly no need to reach common ground.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I never heard of the guy but I don’t follow sports. I don’t agree with any of what he said but he has a right to say what he thinks and risk a backlash. What were the nuns thinking when they asked him to speak! Another speech to divide us. Good post. Last paragraph makes a good point about what football tolerates.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah I feel like if the Harrison Butkers of the world are going to be kicked away, we all lose. Not because we have to agree with the guy, but because ideas and thoughts and opinions should not be held to the same standard as deeds. Unless you’re yelling fire in a public place or urging people to kill, you should be able to speak your mind. The alternative is frightening.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yeah. Sigh. This is a perfect example of how the outrage machine does the exact opposite of what it means to do. Imagine if he had given his little speech and nobody said a thing. He’d be a nobody again. Unfortunately, he will now forever have a role in pushing the stupid things he believes because he is now a NAME.

    Meanwhile, as others have pointed out … this guy will keep his job, but Kaepernick will never sniff an NFL sideline again. Understand, I think there were game-related issues that hurt Kaepernick’s chances to come back. He actually wasn’t that good of a quarterback. And yes, I get that Kaepernick made his political statements within the NFL work zone. But. Still. Just seems somewhat ironic and hypocritical that Kaepernick was forever banned from the NFL and the KC kicker is not.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Absolutely!

      Harrison Butker got himself invited on every opinion show that agreed with his view of the world. He is the guest of honor for scores of forums now.

      That just pisses me off, the Kaepernick situation. Yeah he wasn’t the same QB who lit up the league a few years earlier when San Fran made a Super Bowl run, but hell, how many QB’s get chance after chance when it’s obvious they have nothing to offer? Kaep deserved another chance somewhere.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Talk about clickbait. Everyone is so wound tightly any more about what is (or should be) shared; we’ve lost the ability to filter without getting our huffs in a pickle. And social media just smiles and keeps on keeping on because nobody seems to realize they can just let stupid pass without comment (or even…gasp…heaven forbid…totally ignore). They have created the perfect vehicle by which society speeds over the cliff in slow motion. Our egos are too addicted to the constant comment on junk we can’t seem to get enough of, never matter that we loathe it. We’re as pathetic as Butker and the jillions just like him who think their opinion matters and by George they’re gonna have their moment of fame/infamy. Damn anyone who gets worked up over it. And the cycle continues ad nauseum. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You hit on it, Monika. We have the ability to instantly respond. To anything and everything. Love it? Like it. Loathe it? Slam it. At the touch of a button and done before dinner.

      I’ve had moments where I commented on something that provoked me, and it was never pretty and I always regretted feeding into the crap. Now I just breathe and move on.

      Social media is like that cranky shit disturber who wants to get you pissed. They HATE It when you smile and move along. Which is what we should be doing.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Yet another example of one man’s narrow-mindedness being met with an entire mob’s narrow-mindedness. Whatever happened to just saying, “Well that was a load of crap” and moving on? I suspect it’s artificially hyped just to give social media the boost it needs, with its insatiable appetite for divisiveness and drama. I believe in evolution, but human behavior sure can’t be used as proof of it!

    Liked by 1 person

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