The Rundown: Thursday Edition!

Flying Kiss : r/GalGadotThursday is that parking spot you score at the mall out in short right field two days before Christmas. It ain’t great, but it’s a damn sight better than bupkis pie. Not to mention, it gets you one step closer to the finish line so you’re going to take it. Thursday means we’re over the hump and for today? It also means a Rundown.

And if you’re wondering why I have Gal Gadot blowing a kiss to me us on the marquee, do I have to have a reason for providing such a sexy public service?

Let’s get to it . . . .

The Importance of WordPress Two-Factor AuthenticationWordPress now offers two-step verification for all its users and while I applaud the move (I guess?), I don’t feel the need to safeguard this blog from nefarious chumheads. Hell, I’m way more interested in seeing what they’d do with the place.

Jury deliberations start in Hunter Biden's gun trial | Courts News | Al JazeeraHunter Biden was found guilty on all three felony counts connected to his purchase of a revolver in 2018. It seems the president’s son lied about unlawful drug use and addiction on his purchase form and I am just shocked, I tell you. Shocked!

Downing 76 hot dogs, Joey Chestnut sets new record in 10 minutes
I was pissed when I learned that Joey Chestnut wouldn’t be on hand to defend his Nathan’s Hot Dog eating title belt this July 4th. The sixteen time champion was banned from the event after he entered into a partnership with a rival food brand. For almost twenty years, I could count on this sonofabitch’s exploits to be my default justification for overindulging at a cookout by simply stating, Yeah well, it’s not like I ate seventy hot-dogs!

The first Trump v. Biden presidential debate was a hot messIn April of 1973, Stealer’s Wheel released Stuck in the Middle with You. And not for nothing, but Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan’s one hit just so happened to be a grand slam. It was immortalized in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and has remained an FM fixture to this day. But that song also predicted the future, and it will be on full display when Joe Biden and Donald Trump face off in their first presidential debate on June 27. Clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right? They called it.

Is Baby Reindeer a True Story? What's Real vs. Fake | The DirectIf you consider your dating life to be a train-wreck, you’re likely to feel much better about things after checking out Baby Reindeer on Netflix. Richard Gadd wrote it, stars in it and yes, lived it. He plays Donny, a bartender and comedian who isn’t particularly good at either. Jessica Gunning plays Martha, the lovesick in the head girl of his nightmares who takes stalking to a doctorate level. Both actors are superb and the dialogue feels so incredibly real because, well . . . it is!

Billy Ray Cyrus divorces Firerose after 7 months of 'fraud' marriageSpeaking of doomed relationships, it has been announced that Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose are untying the knot after only seven months. If you were today years old when you A)learned that Billy Ray was married, and B)that he was married to someone named Firerose? I’m right there with you.

Who is buying thatThe Yankees and Dodgers at the Stadium lived up to its billing. Moon shots, timely hitting, clutch pitching and more big names than an Oscars after party. Experts were billing this tilt as a preview of the Fall Classic, so if you’re a betting fool, bet on the field. Because these sports mouths are really good at getting it wrong, and baseball is a game even Nostradamus wouldn’t have touched. The season is a mystery novel with constantly evolving chapters. It’s just a shame the powers that be can’t grasp its most appealing characteristic.

Caitlin Clark left off USA Basketball national team rosterYeah, Caitlin Clark is getting tossed around in the pros and yeah she was left off the US women’s Olympic team and no, it doesn’t mean the former Iowa star is a bust. On the first point, name me a high profile rookie who didn’t get the business when they reached the big time. Michael Jordan was treated like your luggage on Spirit Airlines for years on end until he figured it out. And as far as Clark not making the Olympic team, that one’s easy. She ain’t one of the best twelve female players in the world. Yet.

Jerry West Dead: NBA Legend Who Built Showtime-Era Los Angeles Lakers Was 86Jerry West passed yesterday at the age of 86. West was a character straight out of a Damon Runyon story; a small town boy who overcame a horrible childhood to become a legend. ‘Mr. Clutch’ was a fourteen time all-star, an Olympian. an NBA champion and a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. His image also served as the silhouette for the NBA logo. The architect of the Showtime Lakers gave Pat Riley his shot and almost two decades later brought Kobe and Shaq to LA. He would leave his imprint on the Golden State Warriors championship run as well. Never one to bask in the spotlight, West was all about putting in the work that would give that spotlight to others. May his star shine on for as long as there are dreams to be made.

Heather Avis and her daughter Macy.And for our last story of the day, Rachel Paula Abrahamson of brings us the best story of the day (here’s the link).

15 year old Macy doesn’t get a lot of birthday party invites. Her mother Heather says that’s been her reality ever since kindergarten. So when Macy received one from a classmate in her life skills program, needless to say she was over the moon. Mom posted her little girl’s reaction to the invite on her Instagram page and you’ll find it in the link. If you need a shot of sunshine to go with your coffee, check it out.

Spoiler Alert? Macy loved the party. And it turns out, she received a gift as well; the sense of belonging. The party was comprised of both disabled and non-disabled students because while most peeps talk a good game about inclusivity, kids like Macy and her classmates know how very much it really means. They know what it’s like to be on the outside looking in, and they never want anyone to feel that way.

Reading this story, it occurred to me that the people with the real disabilities are the ones who are running the world. It’s the individuals such as Macy and her friends who truly make the days count, because they’ve proven infinitely more capable of teaching us what is most important in this crazy world.

That’s what winning looks like.

Eric Clapton- Change The World 

33 thoughts on “The Rundown: Thursday Edition!

  1. A great edition, Pilgrim. You know Joey shoulda known better. He went for the cash. Stuck in the middle. So true. I thought Billy Ray Cyrus had been gored by a bull. Oh well, thanks for the update. I’m a little tired of the Drama that is Women’s basketball. They don’t earn enough and all can’t go to the Olympics – Wah. Great tribute for Jerry West. Well done. Loved the story of Macy. Eric is the best too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Joe knowing better? That ship has done sailed I should think.

      As for Billy, I’m not sure he wasn’t gored by a bull. And if it was in the head, then that would explain lots.

      It IS drama, isn’t it? My God man, they should be taking advantage of the extra pub in a more positive way but nope.

      Jerry West was the real deal.

      Those kids really put things in perspective.

      Thanks Boss

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Upon hearing of Jerry West’s passing, I had to pause to salute the man and his legacy. He was what I wish the NBA could be more like these days. Humble, decent and not all about the me-man-ship that dominates pro sports these days, especially the NBA. A big thump on the head to that league for not compensating him one lousy dime. Oh wait, what am I saying…no surprise on that.

    Speaking of basketball, I think Caitlin will be ok even if she’s being treated poorly by her fellow players. Am disappointed her team hasn’t done much to help her out though. Seems like there are a lot of ladies who aren’t very sporting.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. B

    Who would say no to a kiss from Gal? I mean, come on…

    Friggen two-step verification. An extra step to frustration. Non merci.

    Shocking news. And do tell… will he be convicted for real, just like the president will be?

    Poor bebe. How dare Joey Chestnut screw with your guilty pleasure!

    Fucking hell… the song says it all.

    Mein Gott! That Baby Reindeer is something else, eh? Martha is SCARY. And what an experience he had with that other wack job. I’m surprised he is not in the nut house himself! I mean, seriously!

    Oh. He was remarried? Her name is what? FFS. Now I can’t help think of the Amy Schumer video with the ladies (Last Fuckable Day) where they mention Bruce Willis is now with a lamb or something… )

    Now that’s baseball, eh? Betting is just a damn fool thing because it seems to be meant only to get peeps in trouble.

    Sorry. Nuthin’ to say ’bout no stinking basketball.

    It’s always sad when a legend passes. 86 isn’t too shabby.

    I do not understand how, in this day and age, kids, who seem so much more in tune with a variety of types of children, took so damn long to invite Macy. What you wrote about her and the party is just beautiful.

    Perfect tune.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Q

      You are more than welcome to step up to her kissing booth. I’ll just stand back here and watch.

      Two-step schmoo step.

      I betcha Joe pardons him.

      Joey was banned by Major League Eating (that’s a real organization) for entering into a partnership with a vegan food brand. Of course, Joey has announced he will take on Kobayashi on Labor Day in a Netlfix special.

      It does!

      You’re right! The current wacko deserves to be taken into the Pine Barrens by Paulie and dispensed of, truth be told.

      Bahahahahahaha! Classic stuff right there. And as for Billy and whats her name? I’m sure they will be just fine. They’ll probably both be remarried to someone else by the end of the year.

      And it WILL get the league in trouble at some point.

      That’s alright. I haven’t watched any of this WNBA business even with the Caitlin Clark tour going on. It’s just drama, and the world already supplies enough of that.

      He lived a full life.

      These kids make the world a better place. We need more of their mindset.

      Thank ye!


      Liked by 1 person

      • He he he… I’ll make sure you’re invited.

        Schmoo for sure!

        Sometimes I think you might be right on the why of this.

        Major League Eating! Isn’t Kobayashi the one who quit? He is the one who is in the movie about gut health, no?


        Oh yeah… definitely should be taken care of.

        It is so good. They will surely end up with some other bimbos with stupid names.

        It will!

        I know you keep up to date reading stuff. And good on you because it gives you fodder for these!

        He did.

        They do. They don’t know mean. They are naturally loving. How can we not want more of that in our lives?


        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hunter…omg the son from hell for a sitting president. I thought heroin junkies were the worst, until I met crack junkies.

    Hey, that hot dog guy is more famous than ever. Now he’s on Netflix on Labour Day!

    Sports stuff….cool. I suppose food eating is a sport of sorts.. or at least living in the fats lane. Yet… many are not hefty. I guess they only eat at contests, or to practice.

    Yay for Macy, and her classmates! I agree with you who the real disabled are.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s funny…I see a picture of one hot dog and I think I might like one…but then I see a picture of a hundred and I’m like…nope. No thank you. I am amused by Mr. Chestnut repping a vegan dog but still straddling the fence with an upcoming all-beef showdown. Jerry West was one of my favorite early NBA memories. Caitlin didn’t belong on the Olympic team to be sure, but I don’t think a couple of women who are on it belong there either. Yay Macy…a great story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m the same way with that, LOL. I had two hot dogs last week and as much as I THINK I could eat so many more, nope.

      It almost feels orchestrated, this Chestnut Labor Day special on Netflix. I don’t think he TRIED to get the boot from Major League Eating as per the Nathan’s contest, but hell if he didn’t land on his feet.

      Jerry West was the guy I always thought of first when I thought of the Lakers, and that is saying something when you consider how many names have graced their marquee over the last half century.

      Caitlin is going to be just fine. I think this was good for her actually. Lit a fire.

      Liked by 1 person

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