Heroes Of The Week (F#*&ing WordPress Edition)

Thanks to the grab every loose dollar symmetry of the ass hats at WordPress, I’m writing this post from a bookmarked version of the old school classic editor. They’re intent on cockering their spaniels with new toys whilst making us pay for the old news  Come on people, y’all don’t have to chase those of us who prefer the classic version into a bunker, do you?

Now let’s get to the roster . . .

What? You thought I was gonna forget? Nope, it’s not my style to let someone off the hook when they put themselves there in the first place. The above image is what I would pay for the privilege of keeping my classic editor . . if I had a hole in my fucking head. I did some investigating into what a plug-in would cost, with the idea that I’d pluck down a bill if need be to keep it classic. But $300 bucks? (Sorry, I mean $268 bucks?) . . . Nah thank you.

10 Funny, Classy, and Inspirational Wine Quotes for National Wine Day

So a big thank you to wine. All it took was a glass of Cabernet Merlot to chase away the meh feeling WordPress had gifted me. To think, for fifteen bucks all my concerns were swept away . . . just like that. Imma get Robert Mondavi to call the peeps at WordPress and teach them how to make money and keep the customer happy. Both . . .

LeBron James, once a Yankees fan, to become part-owner of Boston Red Sox (report)

Next up is a hero/zero combo for the side pocket and the win. In his latest non-basketball related move, LeBron James became a part owner of the Boston Red Sox. The Lakers forward will surpass $1 billion in career earnings this year, and he’s working his green in the hopes of one day scoring his very own club. LBJ’s career is a multi-verse tale of big wins, on and off the court. So why do I also have this story in my Zero File? Because it’s the fucking Red Sox, man. . . come on!

The mattress a Chicago girl and her siblings used to jump out their third floor window.

There’s an eight year old girl out there whose two little brothers are going to be paying for dinner, like all the time, when they grow up. That’s because big sister saved them from a fire with her quick thinking. As flames engulfed their third-floor apartment, the girl threw a mattress out the window in order to provide a soft landing. Investigators are looking into the cause of the fire, not to mention the whereabouts of the babysitter who was supposed to be tending to the kids while their mother was at work. Yanno, every time one of her little brothers tries pulling some shit, she’s gonna be like “Remember when I saved your little asses from that fire?”. I mean, can you blame her?

Aesop once said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. And as far as the peeps in Dauphin, Pennsylvania are concerned, it doesn’t go unnoticed either. They recently took up a collection for their UPS driver, Chad Turns. The goal was to raise $500 for him as their way of saying thank you for all that he does. Last year, while life seemed to come to a standstill for many, Chad never stopped rolling.

“The whole town has had personal experience with Chad,” Dauphin resident Adam Shickley says. “He once thought a package was a gift and there was a picture on the front. My kids were playing outside so he waited until his shift was done and came back to make sure they didn’t see it.”

It’s little things like this that add up on the old cosmic tote board, and Chad Turns has provided his share of them. And speaking of adding up, this fundraiser’s original goal was scaled with ease before settling in at a cool grand. Which the town presented to him, along with a big thank you card, delivered to the man in a much deserved turnabout. It’s yet another reminder that every act of kindness really is essential.

Dick Hoyt pushed his son Rick in the Boston Marathon in 2006. The two competed in that race nearly every year from 1980 to 2014.

I’ve got a melancholy capper to this week’s episode, with the news of Dick Hoyt’s passing.

His was a life straight off the canvas of a Norman Rockwell painting. Hoyt was born in 1940 in Winchester, Massachusetts. The captain of his North Reading football team, he would end up marrying the head cheerleader, Judy Leighton. He served in the Army National Guard as well as the Air National Guard for almost forty years.

Hoyt also happened to be a part of one of the most beloved teams in New England sports history. It all began in 1977 when his son Rick asked his father if they could take part in a five mile benefit race for a lacrosse player who had been paralyzed. It was a revelation whose wake would cause ripples from Hopkinton to Malibu before all was said and done.

Rick Hoyt was born in 1962 without the ability to speak or use his limbs. A quadriplegic with cerebral palsy, he communicated via a computer keypad he tapped with his head. But it was the shared spirit of a father and his son that created a language all its own during that first run, as dad pushed them across the finish line. They would finish next to last, but the dream was just getting started.

Over the next thirty seven years, they would complete more than 1,000 races. Dad would finish first in his age group in the Marine Corps Marathon in 1992, with a time of 2 hours, 40 minutes and 47 seconds. They also completed six Ironman triathlons and later biked and ran across the country. A bronze statue of the father/son team stands near the starting line of the Boston Marathon with a plaque that reads “Yes, you can!”

Sadly, their final Boston Marathon was cut short by the deadly bombing at the finish line in 2013. Remarkably, it was to have been the thirty-second successful run for this father and son team.

They came back the next year to finish what they started.






56 thoughts on “Heroes Of The Week (F#*&ing WordPress Edition)

  1. B,

    F&%$D!ing WordPress indeed! That little inside way to stay classic better remain, is all I can say.
    Wine does have benefits, I agree 🙂

    Can you even imagine being able to buy a team? Of course it would never be the Red Sox, but still… that’s nuts. Good for him.

    Is it wrong that I kinda like that we don’t know the names of the children in the fire story? What a bright little girl to do what she did. And yeah. Where in the hell was the babysitter? That will be something to find out.

    What a lovely thing to do for Chad! Humanity can be so wonderful at times. Glad you keep showing us.

    Oh no! I am so sad to hear of Dick Hoyt’s passing. What an inspiration this duo was for so long. Dang. Of course no one lives forever but… sigh.

    Perfect choice of song.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Q

      They make it easier to say a blog goodbye, tell you what. But the wine has a way of telling me that there are other roads to journey down so chill . . .

      Yeah, he’ll own a team some day. I always thought it would be in Cleveland but that’s not how owners think. It’s about availability.

      Me too. I read a few different articles and no mention of their names. I hope it stays that way. Let the kids be the kids, and thankfully for their big sister, they can one day be grownups.

      The babysitter was playing Candy Crush.

      The UPS drivers have gone above and beyond through all of this mess. Good to know that peeps are paying attention.

      They had a good run, pun intended. And over 1,000 races! That’s the kind of legacy that never dies.

      Loved his version. Gracias.


      Liked by 1 person

      • They really do. Chilling with wine – there are worse things…

        True. They are not all up for sale.

        Yes, let us hope they are left alone.

        Well… She was not in the house, was she?

        They have indeed! Yes, it is good to know.

        They did. My goodness. Those stats are so impressive! Their story will live on.

        Very nice version. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve gone all in on the new block editor. It seems to be working for me, although there are times when weird things happen that I can’t figure out how to fix. 😉

    Good collection of heroes this week, except for that Lebron guy. Booo.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have to wonder where in the hell are the brains at WP. They have left the building for sure. Damn, they make me want to scream. Well, done on the other heroes, Pilgrim. By the way, the story of the girl saving her brothers was the best. WTF on the babysitter. Sorry to see Dick Hoyt is gone. His son is going to miss him. Thanks again, Marc.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I had a difficult time adjusting to the block editor in WP. I’m comfortable using it, but also don’t like it.

    I have never heard anyone say they don’t like the Red Sox. At least not here withing the 50 mile circumference of Boston.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You make me laugh, you make me cry and you make me smile from ear to ear. Always enjoy your posts. I still get WordPress classic for free. Go to all posts and then choose classic. It works for me. A lot more steps than before but I still get to use the classic. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m there Pam, it’s just that now I gotta bookmark the sucker and click on it after I log in or I get that stupid Block.

      I always appreciate the love, Pam. Muchas gracias.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Look for the drop down arrow at the top of the page. That’s where you’ll find your option to choose Classic. If you just hit “add post” or “new post” or whatever, then it defaults to the dreaded block.

    Some wonderful heroes, once again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Eilene,

      Yeah I still have that arrow. I bookmarked the page since the page I log into now is automatically set for Block.

      I played with Block last night, not hard to figure out. But . . . completely unnecessary steps. As a writer I’m used to a certain flow, there is a Zen to it. This Block takes that away. It’s like going to the convenience store down the street for milk but driving around the county to get there.

      Thank you muchly.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. As a runner, I’ve been inspired by Dick and Rick Hoyt for years, so it’s sad to learn of Dick’s passing. Yes you can. Never give up.

    UPS drivers. Heroes, all of ’em. My neighbors and I adore our driver. As do my dogs. He always gives them treats. (FedEx doesn’t do this, to our horror.) Even when we’re not home, he leaves two dog treats atop the package. As a thank you, I gave him a big bag of dog treats, for all the dogs on his route. “Oh – these are the good kind!” he said, noting his own dog loved them. I’ve written to UPS corporate to make sure they know how much he’s appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RW,

      What a team they were.

      Now THAT is a Heroes story right there. And it’s great to hear these reflections based on something I post. It’s cool when my blog neighbors share like this as it keeps Fridays going. So thank you, thank you kindly and much.


  8. Thanks for this.

    No words are necessary about the Hoyts, and I do mean both of them. Actions speak volumes. If I had to, though, few would be:

    legendary, true grit, cojones grandotes, incredible.

    Probably the best one is just one that’s a bit overused: L O V E.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. When I saw the Lebron story earlier this week, I immediately thought of you – and realizing you would have something to say. What struck me is what that group owns! I had no idea!

    How can anyone not appreciate Dick Hoyt’s life? His actions served as an example for all of humanity. Well, the babysitter certainly didn’t know.

    I recall your post about the WP block editor, so when I observed the change this week, yep – you popped into my mind again. For me, I’ve adapted to the block editor on the new blog. Fortunately, I keep it simple. But $300? … they are crazy! Oh … nice song!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sports networks, minor league ball and racing and even a soccer team. Yeah, they have their hands in much.

      I joke but it’s true. The Hoyts are the only New England team I ever rooted for. And with good reason.

      The babysitter knows nothing. Thankfully no one was hurt or worse.

      I played with Block last night and maybe it’s a good thing I’m ready to set sail from WP. I was able to figure it out just fine, but it’s a useless waste of steps in my opinion. When I get kicking on an idea, I don’t want to be THINKING . . . just writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is one of your best compilations, from blasting WordPress who I’d like to kill, and I too PREFER the classic editor and find that, if you turn off your computer, going onto your site fresh, it automatically comes up classic. You just have to make sure you start it on their new page. If I didn’t have all these fucking essays on their site, I’d leave. That said.

    The Mattress girl. Love your last snap. Yeah, talk about having something to hold over your sibling’s heads. Sister wants more chips please, and make it snappy…you’re only still here cause’a me remember.

    UPS Man…come deliver to my neighborhood. I’ll even bake.

    But the arrow that pierced my heart…I cried when I heard that stellar, FIRST CLASS DAD passed. I remember him, and how inspiring his devotion to his son was. It brought me to my knees, he so loved his kid.

    Godspeed DAD

    Thanks Mr. Imma. Good job!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    • SB

      Fucking WordPress with their non-stop nonsense. And for God’s sake, why would ya make the preferred method for most writers a pay for play? Fuck.

      Right? You know she’s going to deal up that card every chance she gets. And hey, I would too. And guess what, it will be a thing . . and they’ll actually laugh, I hope.

      SB is baking. What’s your specialty?

      What a great Dad, what a great team, and all those miles! Robert Frost would’ve been asking for a rest area.

      Much obliged, gunslinger 😉


      Liked by 1 person

  11. Yeah, my ‘bill’ arrived earlier in the month and a flurry of HBO words were grumbled. For the record, you can revert to the Classic Editor without having to pay (at least to my knowledge) by going to Settings, click on Writing, then choose Classic (over the #$%& Block) Default Editor, save the changes and a adequate work-around to that force fed piece of you know what on those of us who don’t want to deal with those stupid blocks.

    Yanno, I wondered about the LBJ story too. What in the world was he thinking investing in the Red Sox? Noting Dick Hoyt’s passing, I was somewhat comforted by knowing the man led a righteous, honorable life. As for Chad the UPS dude, bravo! With the pandemic and pressures on all delivery people to push those boxes and envelopes out…chop, chop…it’s a cool thing when some of them go the extra distance on the little things, above and beyond. UPS could use an army of Chad’s rather than the army of robots who fling packages on porches, sidewalks, etc. Heck, delivering it to the right address would be nice rather than a neighbor a couple doors away.


  12. Love this from the 8 year old girl to the end.
    Why do we pay athletes so effin much?
    In the OLDEN DAYS, weren’t the players on the city’s home team, from the same city?
    Ahh 3:30! Half hour more, I get a glass of Chianti!

    Liked by 1 person

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