Heroes Of The Week!

Image result for superheroes

In this week’s episode, I delved into great catches, life changing tips, Hollywood giving and, get this . .  the federal government doing some good for a change. I know, it sounds like a work of fiction but it’s true. I mean, I wouldn’t get used to that kind of behavior in Washington. But it’s nice to know that our elected officials have it in them.

And now, your heroes . . .

Image result for Kyle Rudolph game winning catch

A purple haze hung over the New Orleans Superdome last Sunday after Kyle Rudolph came down with a rainbow pass from Kirk Cousins in the back of the end zone that ended the Saints season while keeping his team’s hopes very much alive. After catching the OT game winner, Rudolph gave his game worn gloves to a ‘media member’, autographing them first. So when the dude turned around and sold the gloves on eBay for a few hundred bucks, Rudolph was a little bummed out. Until Jason King tweeted the Vikings wide receiver, informing him he was the purchaser of the gloves and that he would donate them to the charity of Rudolph’s choice. That’s called putting your money where your heart is.

Image result for Danielle Franzoni

Danielle Franzoni is a recovering addict who wakes up every day with three reasons to stay clean. The mother of three is a server at Thunder Bay River Restaurant in Alpena, Michigan, and as the new year approached, she received a message letting her know she’s doing things the right way. This message came in the form of a tip from a couple she’d been serving. In keeping with the year to come, they left her a $2,020.00 tip. She says “Things like this don’t happen to people like me,”. But lemme tell you, when people like Danielle happen to things like this? It’s like the world is singing in perfect harmony.

Image result for hemsworth donation to bushfire relief

Chris Hemsworth ain’t just another pretty face. The actor known as Thor to Marvel fans just so happens to be a superhero in real life as well. After watching fires sweep through Australia, Hemsworth and his family have announced they will be donating one million dollars to their native country. Other celebs have taken note of what’s happening on his Instagram page. Elton John will also be donating a million dollars, while Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban and Pink are doing their part as well. Hollywood can be so much more than a Ricky Gervais monologue when it wants to be.

Image result for 200 volunteer firefighters head to australia

And another lampooned entity- our very own federal government- is getting involved in the relief efforts in Australia as well. More than one hundred American firefighters have already been deployed, with a few dozen more volunteer firefighters set to head down under. And to show they are about way more than just NBA titles, Canada has sent eighty seven of its own volunteers to assist in the relief efforts as well. Isn’t it kind of refreshing to see our federal government putting out fires rather than starting them?

Image result for Ryan Smith returns to Millersville

In a perfect world, Ryan Smith would be the starting power forward for the East Stroudsburg University Warriors. A sophomore, he would be improving on a star that has been shining brightly since his days at Lampeter Strasburg High School in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

But there are no perfect worlds where cancer is concerned as Smith came to learn last summer. He noticed he was getting more fatigued during his workout regimen, which led to a battery of tests. A full blood panel at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pocono revealed the sum of all fears: Acute Myeloid Leukemia. So far he’s undergone a few rounds of chemo while taking up residence at University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.

This past Monday, Millersville University teamed up with East Stroudsburg during a PSAC Mens/Womens doubleheader. All proceeds from tickets sales of the games to be donated to the Smith family through a fund established by East Stroudsburg. And for the first time in almost a year, Ryan Smith stepped foot inside Pucillo Gymnasium on the campus of Millersville to watch the game he has been in love with his entire life. He received a hero’s welcome as he sat in the stands of a rival arena that was intent on giving him a home court advantage as he battles on.

Ryan has a much bigger victory in mind.




60 thoughts on “Heroes Of The Week!

  1. B,

    You are rocking this all-Heroes thing, yanno.

    As I was reading, I was thinking how often does this happen? Asking for an autograph to then sell it… but from a media member? Glad it all turned around proper-like.

    Danielle Franzoni is one lucky lady! I was going to forward you one of these ‘2020 Tip Challenge Stories’ and am super glad you found this one. I love it when this happens to those in need.

    That the stars are coming out to help out with the bush fires is fantabulous. Many of those named are Aussies, so it’s even more understandable but that doesn’t make their donations any less worthy.

    Love that both our countries have sent out firefighters to help with these raging fires. It is such a wonderful thing.

    Damn cancer. Your local boy has got more than a few angels in his corner. I love these coming together stories to help a family in need. Way more caring people out there than not.

    What a nice video of Imagine… I had never seen this one. Perfect.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Q,

      It’s coming along. I mean, I DID write one up with the snarky tinge before catching it. Old habits and all that, yanno?

      I’m not altogether certain this individual was a credentialed media person or not. But if so, they should kick him/her out for good. Sorry but there has to be a line.

      Yeah, I wasn’t aware this tip challenge was a thing until I read this story. But it’s cool that they chose her, when you consider the circumstances. Her life probably feels like one big teetering heap of question marks some days. To receive something like this, it’s worth more than money to her.

      It’s a good deed done by peeps who get satirized on the daily for being topical, materialistic gluttons. It’s just nice to see another side that speaks to who they are as human beings.

      It really is. These firefighters are returning the favor in kind, as Australia has come to US soil in the past to help us with wildfires here. Canada too.

      It was cool that the story involved Ari’s school. And now the idea has been picked up by a nearby college, who plan on having a fundraiser of their own.

      I needed to sneak in my op-ed on all the stuff going on in the world right now. Even if it’s just a song, it still counts.


      Liked by 1 person

      • It really is, and we have mentioned you have ample opportunities to bring out your snark (which is great, btw) 😉

        I did read part of the link and it would appear but it’s kinda hazy, shall we say. If it is so, then yes, ciao-bye.

        Yep. It’s a mighty cool thing and when the recipient is one who is in dire need… It’s just a beautiful thing.

        Yes. They live a good life, many of these; some are thought of materialistic (and let’s face it, lots of ’em are) so yes, lovely to see their caring side.

        Yep. Just like when the US came up to help us during our ice storm. When push comes to shove and we can help, then by all means, let us jump in and do what we can. We are all part of the same planet.

        Very cool. I didn’t realise it was Ari’s school. Even cooler!

        It definitely counts. Now more than ever. I still don’t know why so many peeps hate the song. I ain’t one of ’em.


  2. These stories about people leaving large tips for servers in need are just so incredible. Someday, I’m going to do it. At the right moment, for the right person. It’s one of those things that just needs to be done.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Another great collection of stories … and capped by the perfect song for a world of heroes. Kyle Rudolph – Cincinnati kid who has done well … and the Ryan Smith story reminded my of another Cincinnati legend – Lauren Hill.

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    • Frank,

      I thought I replied to you on this, but evidently not! Sorry. And by that I mean truly sorry, hold the less.

      You’re the one who got this ball rolling, good man. Even inside the last breaths of your blogging career, you have hold. Much. And that won’t quit, even after you do. You just get it, and sometimes that’s all that matters. Meeting someone like you. Who gets it.

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • All of us miss replies, so no big deal. More important to me, are those extra kind words. Hard to come up with a good response – so I’ll just say thank you!

        And hey … .Part 2 is up! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Love you Frank. Even if you picked the wrong football team to root for. But I get it . . geography . . it can be so unforgiving. I only wish you’d been born in Miami.



          • Being a Bengal fan is so difficult. Crazy. Felt sorry for Marvin for not winning a playoff game. A good coach and a good man. The Reds aren’t that much better, but I honestly feel they may make some noise this year. I can only hope – but they must get have a good start out of the gate – not digging a big hole to early (although the Nats showed what can happen – but that’s unusual)

            I love you, too! Even without sarcasm, your sense of humor is wicked … and you are unquestionably the best writer I’ve encountered. Meanwhile, the closer we get to my last day, I’m confident I’ll have some basket-case moments. Thanks for allowing me to practice in those conditions.

            Liked by 1 person

          • The Bengals seem to be getting a young man in Joe Burrow who can change things for the better. And the Reds have been aggressive in the off season for a few years running. Like you said, now they must apply that to the regular season. The Central is doable, what with the Cubs in transition and the Cardinals being good but not great.

            No sarcasm, ever.

            And I am touched by that sentiment, thank you Frank. You’re allowed your basket case moments, but just know your influence on all the people whose lives you have touched on WP.


  4. Your heroes come from all walks of life, Marc. This makes your weekly post so damn good. The stories are inspiring and at times making us become introspective on our own behavior. I like the story of the gloves. A pox on the dude for selling them. A medal for Jason King. Play it forward with a tip. A nice idea that everyone can do. Love the support to fight the wildfires. Prayers for Ryan Smith. Well done Pilgrim.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I dig, you dig . . . we’re all digging.

      Don’t tell Frank this because he’ll get a big head, but his All Heroes idea was a keeper.

      And you’re right, every kind of person manifesting the best in all of us. And man, do we need good peeps and good deeds these days.

      I love what King did in that situation. He didn’t ask for recompense, he didn’t hesitate.

      The tip thing, I had never heard of it before this story.

      Props to the stars for their starring roles in bringing relief to Australia.

      And prayers for Ryan, indeed.

      Thank you Sheriff.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. These stories kill me while they inspire since humanity still shows her lovely head. The waitress with the kids getting the tip, the actors reaching into their pockets. The firefighters en route to Australia. And the kid with cancer who represents every other kid whose kid-ness had been unfairly interrupted.

    I just broke with my shrink after he said, I need to pull in kindness wise…I try too hard and people don’t like the energy. I left there with my tail between my legs thinking… wow, did he really just bitch slap me for my goodness? I read this piece of yours weekly and the stories defy a statement like that.



    Liked by 1 person

    • I watched a video of the young lady and she was brought to tears when telling that story about the tip. Giving people in need a helping hand . . when did that become criminal?

      I was talking with someone about the actors who’ve donated to the relief effort and his response was quite cynical. As in, they didn’t have to “broadcast it”. Which totally misses the point in that their platform allowed them to include links to organizations where people can donate to the cause.

      It was a really cool thing for the rival university to donate the proceeds to the kid’s family too.

      You need a new shrink. Pardon my French, but fuuucckk that. I never heard of such a thing. That’s ridiculous.

      We try where we can, how we can. Always being mindful that we’re lucky to be here. Every little thing matters, if we all do every little thing.


      • Every little thing matters, if we all do every little thing. Like that a lot. Generosity is often received without grace. I will say that. It’s also confusing to some who don’t give. those actors yes could have played their Sag cards closer to their vest but you’re right, you can’t be an influence if you don’t flutter your feathers. I’m trying not to hold my therapist accountable for being shortsighted. He’s just not the fellow for me. It’s our second round and now I remember why I jumped ship the first time. I believe in giving. I believe in giving and not looking back. Give till it hurts. We never realize how lucky we are in so many ways, even if life for us isn’t perfect, but imagine cancer as your Mount Everest. And for the grace of God go WE Mr. Imma.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Paying it forward is always good, no matter the format – a tip, helping fight fires, contributing to a fund for a sick kid. Love these stories, love being reminded every Friday that there is good out there if we just look for it. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There has to be a better way to human, yanno? And it’s nice to read stories every week that awe me . . in a good way.

      Thanks for the chime, Rebecca.


  7. A purple haze – I don’t always get into football, but I did this game — this last past was poetic!

    Tipping – I do love these stories! Having worked my way through college on tips, I know the feeling of receiving a good tip. If a challenge has you looking for a way to give awesome! But, I really love it when it’s random kindness. Either way, warm and fuzzies!

    The fires – It is always devastating to see this kind of destruction. I really feel if you have that much money it is kinda a responsibility. So, I am happy to see so many reaching deep.

    Cancer – What is that country song…”If I could kill a word”. If I could kill cancer I would beat the shit out of it!

    As always, thanks for the good vibes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Ella(!)

      You know the service industry then, and how unforgiving and unrelenting it truly is. So yes, how cool to find these stories that change a person’s day (life) for the better.

      The Australian relief effort is everywhere. I just read a blogger who snapped a shot of a restaurant in NYC that is donating its proceeds for the weekend to the relief effort. Love that.

      You and me both. We could take turns.

      De nada Chef Ella!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. As always – thanks for the good news with your heroes posts.
    And laughing at the subtle way you said Canada not just concerned with NBA titles
    Because it is still a little foreign to me that they won and all that…
    You know wha I mean?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Prior,

      It’s good stuff all around, and I gotta admit it’s working.

      It’s true, LOL. . . they’re not just synonymous with NBA dominance any longer.

      It’s still a LOT foreign to a lot of NBA fans on this side of the border. I know some peeps who refuse to believe it happens if Kevin Durant was healthy. Sour grapes, we’re good at that.

      Sho nuff. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  9. [Isn’t it kind of refreshing to see our federal government putting out fires rather than starting them?] That just isn’t refreshing, it’s astounding with the current administration and its supporters. They must not realize there are loads of immigrants down under. Sorry for the snark on a Heroes post; still trying to wrap my head around the Gov. of Texas announcing no more immigrant refugees will be allowed in his state. Where do these people come from?

    Liked by 1 person

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